Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Mediocre Movie

What are the chances that a summer blockbuster prequel movie based on a previous movie trilogy, based on a cartoon, based on a series of comic books will be decent? Well using the highly anticipated X-Men Origins: Wolverine as a guide might cause one to be alarmed. You see Wolverine isn't a horrible movie but it's far from the multimillion dollar blockbuster we were promised.

If you can't tell the Low Standards offices (Alex and I)took an early day showing of X-Men Origins:Wolverine, the first of two confirmed origins tails... I know... queue sarcastic excitement. The two of us went into this with two varying expectations for this movie. Personally, I was burned by X3, the last excuse of an X-Men movie, and I was not putting a lot into the trailers or the build up. Needless to say my standards for this movie were way down. Alex, on the other hand, was expecting this to be a fantastic movie.

In the end this movie disappointed us both, me less so than Alex who was visibly irritated by the lack of excitement in this movie. Outside of the thin plot (that felt like I was watching Anakin Skywalker turning to the dark side... again), sloppy execution of said plot and the excessive amounts of mutants that served no purpose, this movie just was not fun. Perhaps it was the mutant mania this movie suffered from or the sloppy plot execution... no, no, no... I take back what I was about to say before I say it. This movie just revels in it's messiness and bleak outlook on this character. I don't need a brooding baby that screams when it's made and then cries when it's readily available supply of breasts are taken away. This is what Hollywood does now and it doesn't look like the trend is going away any time soon. One positive though: this movie had some color in it not the soul crushing grey, brown, red, orange, or blue color pallet throughout... yes I'm talking to you 30 days of Night!

To give you a better idea of what we saw today, we at Low Standards, always excited to bring you quality, have procured an exclusive clip of X-Men Origins Wolverine. In this clip Wolverine finds himself in a fight with the deadly Sabretooth. Please enjoy.

Yes, I know, not at all as exciting as we hoped it would be either. This is how the entire movie feels. In short: save your money.


  1. I have to agree with you. While I thought the characters were ok, and yes, there were a lot of them. I felt the plot just sucked. BTW, why was there no blood anywhere in the movie except the stains on "whats-her-faces" shirt when Victor "kills" her... with all the slicing and dicing of Wolvies claws, Deadpool's blades and Sabertooths claws you would think that there would be some blood somewhere. That is all.

  2. I would have to agree with the whole no blood thing. One has to wonder who they're marketing this movie toward? One one hand having no blood keeps the rating down and allows kids to see this movie and then gives them the chance to make more money through toys and the likes. Still on the other hand this movie is incredibly violent and definitely has adult themes I'm not sure how much I, as a parent, would want to bring my kids out to see. It kind of feels like that late 90's movie "Small Soldiers": a movie that has promise but ultimately falls flat due to bloated characters and an inability to choose who they want to watch it.
