Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brought to you by the letter...

Consider for a moment the letter Z, won't you? Thank you. The last and very lonely in a line of 26 letters in the English alphabet, you rarely ever give it a though I bet. No... but you really should. If it were not for this tiny letter you would not have a beautiful word such as "azure" or be able to warn of a seizure. So let us all contemplate the letter Z the best way that I know how and that is with a video. Do not enjoy this video... relish it.

Coming off of that truly inspired video we should consider the uses for the letter Z. True words such as "zebra" are fantastic but now is really the time for us to be creative. As of late video game designers have creatively slapped the glorious Z to every game that has been created for a preteen girl. I for one see no issues with that. Facebook pets games have become hip now with that swapping of an S with our friend the Z. After all doesn't the letter S already have a whole slew of three and four letter words that it can have fun with? One group who has put the letter Z to great use is Ubisoft. Imagine Babyz! Go ahead and imagine them right now!

With that last video filling our hearts with relief that the letter Z will not die... nay it thrives I sign off. Again, thank you Ubisoft for not forgetting about the little, lonely, Z.

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